Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

More Blocks!

Yet even more character designs for the 'Blocks' show:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cartoon Saloon Sketch Club

Ka-Ching recommends the Cartoon Saloon Sketch Club!

The talented folk at the Cartoon Saloon (including us) choose a theme every week, make some art and post it on this blog. Enjoy!

Monday, November 06, 2006

We won gold!

Ka-Ching is proud to announce we won the Zuid-Holland vormgevings prijs 2006 (South-Holland design awards 2006) in the visual communication category! The prize consists of a handsome amount of money and a golden prize shaped like a Mickey Mouse head.