Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

color test

Mix and Match!
With the extremly nice backgrounds made by JellePelle we had to add shading on our very flat designed characters to make it work together,
also we want to adjust the characters color to the different lightning of each bg.
to see if this all would work we made a little test of the bg and the character together.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hooray!!! 2 years!!!

Waahoo!! Hooray for everybody. Ka-Ching Cartoons celebrates its 2 year existance. Get the champagne, get the caviar. It has been a great two years, let's keep it up for another 200!!