Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cockroach designs (5)

Yes! Yes! Yes! More cockroach designs.
This time we're exploring designing characters and backgrounds with more straight lines and hard edges (less rounded), to find out what suits better with the opera theme.

The Cockroach project has been selected for the Masterclass: from concept to storyboard 2008. This masterclass is organised by the Holland Animation film Festival and is meant to help young animators with their projects and in doing so elevating the quality of animation productions in Holland and Belgium.
We'll get intence help form international professionals:
· Ruth Lingford (Groot-BrittanniĆ«) (Death and the mother, Pleasures of war)
· Konstantin Bronzit (Rusland) (Lavatory lovestory, The God)
· Piet Kroon (Nederland/Verenigde Staten) (Alladin, The Iron Giant)

Gee whiz, we're excited waahoooooo!


Mitch Leeuwe said...

Wow that's awesome!! Congrats.

Fun to see the progress on youre blog. The fat cockroach is cool!

Anonymous said...

Ik had niet anders verwacht =)


Andrew Glazebrook said...

Superb stuff !!