Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Production update

Production seems to go pretty smooth on our short film: the 3d machine. Last weeks production meeting was very promising. Here's a list of the total crew:
Animator and director: Joost van den Bosch and Erik Verkerk
Producer: Marlou Rutten
Background artist: Jelle Gijsberts
Composer: Irene Vivanco
Foley artist: Jos van Galen
Coach: Raymond van der Kaaij

Animation seems to go a lot faster than expected, about a third is already done. In two weeks Jelle will start doing backgrounds, and around that time Irene will start work on the score.

Below's a gag we were thinking of puting in the film, but it didn't make it...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

weirdo beardo

I took this picture of us to celebrate Eriks' beard!
He's been growing it for a while now.
And I still remember when he started off with a moustache.
Look at him now! all grown and fully bearded!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

wow 3D

after trying different ways to achieve the 3d look on our film we finally found the best working one.
we are very happy with the result and can't wait to finish the film!
here's a sample!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Beautiful bg's

Here is two backgrounds Jelle did for our film. He calls em only sketches, I call them feckin' amazing!

Don't forget to visit his site regulary for more of his goodness!

the Shoebox screenings

our film 'the Shoebox' is going to be screened in competition at the KLITFEST animation festival in Amsterdam this saturday (15th), it's an new animationfestival in the Netherlands and has a great program!
go and check it out!

also in the first week of october 'the Shoebox' will be screened in competition at the BALKANIMA festival in Belgrado, (Serbia).
woohoo! if you happen to be there check that one out too!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

3d machine designs

We are currently working hard on designing all the characters and props for our film, here are some of em: