Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.
If you are living in the Netherlands, you can watch brand new episodes of 'De Grobbebollen maken Lol' starting tommorow Z@ppelin will broadcast 5 new episodes and after that they will start repeating the first episodes. here are the dates and times!
Vrijdag 30 april 11:40 : afl. 6 Start de piano
maandag 3 mei 11:40 : afl. 7 Het Grobbebollenlied
dinsdag 4 mei 11:40 : afl. 8 Meeuwenplaag
woensdag 5 mei 11:40 : afl. 9 De olifant en de muis
In 2006 Erik and I both did two internships, on at the Cartoonsaloon in Ireland and one at Animationworks a small studio in Dordrecht, here in Holland ran by Arjan Wilschut. We really liked his style and were strongly convinced Arjan worked in some sort of a digital way, because of his strong 'vectorline-ish'-style. But we were very wrong, this man draws everything by hand on paper, even the double (thick) outlines are drawn by hand! We learned a lot from Arjan and we got to work a bit on his film 'Hard Boiled Chicken' recently he started a blog with loads of nice work. Luckily we're still doing some nice work for him every now and then, watch out for his next film 'Farmer Jack'. Here is the short 'Hard Boiled Chicken' which we got to work on back then, and which also won a whole bunch of festivals.