Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Freaky Frankenbike Patrol

the past month we've been working on a promo for the 'Freaky Frankenbike Patrol'

it was great fun to make this 35 seconds clip from start to end.
we're almost finished on it and hope it will serve it's purpose;
convince Jetix that they have to make the series!
anyway the promo looks great.

the designs are by Michael Fleming http://www.tweedlebop.com
Freaky Frankenbike Patrol was created by Dave Skwarczek.
© 2005-06 Eat Your Lunch LLC. All rights reserved. All lefts reversed.


Christian said...

It does indeed look great ,lets see it then!

Abel said...

Yeah, I can say it looks great!

jesse said...

It sure does boys.. it sure does.
Love the animation of the girl on the tricycle at the end.. its my favourite.

Unknown said...

FUn and COOOL!

Anonymous said...

It looked beautiful, guys. Thanks for all the hard work - fyi, Jetix seemed very impressed.

Arnold said...

Great blog I enjoyedd reading