Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


yep yep we are in development of a new film already.
it's about cockroaches or Kakkerlakken,
that's how we Dutch people like to call them.
and its going to be awesomely cool!


Jay D Smith said...

new film? haven't seen the last one yet!

looks good!



Jullie zijn wel heel erg produktief zeg!
Hoe zit het met de 3D machine? Is die al klaar of staat ie momenteel in de koelkast?
Mooie affiches!
Ziet er veel belovend uit.
Als je mijn hulp kan gebruiken, laat het me weten.
Groetjes, Marco

joost said...

Hi all,
to clear things up: our latest film 'the 3D machíne is almost finished!
It will premiere at the 29th of january at the International FilmFestival of Rotterdam.


AniKey said...

Wow supper commie-cockroaches :)
When does the revolution start comrad?

Anonymous said...

ziet er weer vet uit =)

Mick said...

you guys are the best... and when i say that I mean you suck a lot .. and when i say that I mean 'you guys are the best'.... you know where to find me should you need anything. Good luck fellows

Unknown said...

Hello Ka-Chingiebingong!

Super te zien hoe jullie zo vooruit gaan met die Animeerboel!
Leuke ideeen!
Ik ben wel benieuwd naar die 3D machine!
en de sint is bij mij niet geweest...maar die komt niet in Ierland..

GOOD LUCK!!!! roxy