Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Badgasten, The last one!

This is our last contribution of this seasons 'de Badgasten' ,BNN's comedy-improvisationshow.
Klaas van der Eerden and Fabian Jansen are going through various filmstyles on the green screen, and they start off inside a Pyramide!
The scene will change to an Romantic film, a Musical, a Horror-film, a Nature-film, and a ChickFlick.

this was a really great show to work on, and our client BNN gave us lots and lots of creative freedom.
lets keep our fingers crossed for a second season!

de Badgasten'!

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