Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Friday, June 08, 2007

for all the cool cats!

we'finally have them!
those very cool Ka-ching Cartoons pins!
this collectors edition is not for sale in shops !
available for Ka-ching Cartoons lifetime members only!


Mick said...

you need my address for where to send it??

Jay D Smith said...

woah, look cooler than the skunk-fu pins!!


Anonymous said...

Nice! you need my address too, for where to send it? too haha No I can always come and visit you and speak dutch. Good luck Bro's

jesse said...

Very cool pins boys.. Mine looks quite nice on my brown hoody.
Photo is bit blurry though, please send them back to China for re-call.

Shem said...

Careful Joost, I could destroy you
with my +25 orc armor
and dark wizard magic combo,
or at least annoy you
till you tell me to stop.
Boo ya!

Unknown said...

Give that to me.
I'm Dutch...
AH Beware, I'll have my own talking Roxy Action Doll soon! (with growing hair).

Great stuff Jonguhs!!
and uh...
Great Stuff.
And the Bike is great Joost...
(en die fiets-beker heb ik noit gekregen, sniff...)

Gene Fowler said...

wow, they look great, where did you get them made?