Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Friday, November 09, 2007

the 3d machine

Yesterday we held a pre-screening for our financial sponsor(the Rotterdam filmfund) of our upcoming short film 'the 3d-Machine'.
We showed them the whole film which is not yet completed, but in a viewable state.
And we showed an already a short sequence in finished material in 3d!
The people were really enthousiastic about the film.
And thats great to hear since we've been workin for a little while now on this project.
Below you'll see some great images of the final film to be.


Anonymous said...

Funking heck! That monkey just jumped out of my screen and shouted at me as soon as I put on my glasses.

Scary stuff guys, can't wait to see the finised film!


Alessandra Sorrentino said...

wow guys i'm so glad to see it's coming up so cool!
really awesome images, keep it up!
good luck and wish you lots of ka-chiiing-chiiiing!!!!!! ;)

Jay D Smith said...

dammit, i can't find my 3d glasses!


Patrick Schoenmaker said...

It's looking great guys! The 3D effect is working really well. Can't wait to see the final film.

Anonymous said...

vet =)

Jez Hall said...



jesse said...

Thats great guys! i think my favorite addition is the 3d glasses you both added to your profile pic! Hows the software working out boys?!!

Shem said...

lookin' pretty feckin cool fellas.

Anonymous said...

hey gt me some new 3d glasses cmon please