Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Phew! We've been back from Hollywood three weeks now. What a great time we had there! Learned a lot about the Hollywood filmmaking system and made some great friends and contacts! We even met the president. (We really recommend everybody who goes to America to meet up with the president at least once. He's a cool guy.) seriously we were invited to the Jay Leno show where Obama came that day!
The trip was organised by NBC Universal. The trip was the prize we won with our 3d short film the 3D-Machine. The other guys on the photos are the filmmasters from the other countries. Martijn Smits from Holland. Markus F. Adrian from germany and Dniel Guerrero from Spain.

they've made a sign on the hills, so it looks exactly like the map
we were invited to the premiere and party of 'Fast and Furious' YeaH!!!!

We were Universal studios guests for two weeks, although they kept us pretty busy, we did visited our friends at Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Cold Hard Flash, Disney Playhouse, Disney Channel, Disney XD and Walt Disney Feature Animation! busy busy busy


Mick said...

oh yeah i had forgotten that you guys were going stateside, big apple, rio grande and all that other stuff... cowboy chili... gun crime... you get the picture. grand so yeah good then nice one fellas.

AniKey said...

Living it up in The Hills i see :)
Where are the Disney pictures? Or no cameras? :(

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Wow that's awesome!

Patrick Schoenmaker said...

You lucky bastuhds!

Abel said...

That's great!
Congratulations for the 2 years anniversaire as well!!
keep the good work!