Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Four commercials for 'Terre des Hommes'

About a year ago in november, we were asked to make an commercial by Terre Des Hommes an organisation that fights against child abuse all over the world. Although we prefer to make happy and funny films, we saw a challenge in it and took on the production. With only a handfull of photos provided as material, we were asked to make a nasty and gritty looking commercial about the subject. So no funny stuff,but serious looking animated photos.
the characters are not real, they are all composed out of several photos , so are the backgrounds.

the first one turned out so well that they asked us to do another one in februari this year and a third one last november. Also because the succes of the campaign they asked us to make a compilation of the three commercials as a fourth one.

This first commercial we've made is about Yindee, a little girl who is forced to work in prostitution. the viewers are asked to help her by sending a text message by phone.
It is followed by a tagon which features what happens with her if there are not enough messages received.
after that we see what happens if enough messages are received and Terre Des Hommes helps her.

This second commercial we've made is about Siti, we follow this little girl who is treated like a package on a rough trip. the viewers are asked to help her by sending a text message by phone.
It is followed by a tagon which features what happens with her if there are not enough messages received.
after that we see what happens if enough messages are received and Terre Des Hommes helps her.

This third commercial we've made is about Nazrul, a little boy who is forced to work hard and long hours every day. the viewers are asked to help him by sending a text message by phone.
It is followed by a tagon which features what happens with him if there are not enough messages received.
after that we see what happens if enough messages are received and Terre Des Hommes helps him.

the last commercial of this series was a compilation of the previous ones. this one shows all the different kinds of child-abuse that Terre des Hommes fights against.
Child-prostitution, Child-trading and Child-labour

This job came through us via our agents @ Shop Around for Bouwmeester van Leeuwen Thanks!

Ka Shing Cart... Uh no... Restaurant!!

Ka-Ching is proud to anounce we stopped making cartoons, and started making noodles! It turns out to be much more lucrative.
Our restaurant is situated here in Rotterdam. Come visit us whenever you're hungry!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Badgasten, The last one!

This is our last contribution of this seasons 'de Badgasten' ,BNN's comedy-improvisationshow.
Klaas van der Eerden and Fabian Jansen are going through various filmstyles on the green screen, and they start off inside a Pyramide!
The scene will change to an Romantic film, a Musical, a Horror-film, a Nature-film, and a ChickFlick.

this was a really great show to work on, and our client BNN gave us lots and lots of creative freedom.
lets keep our fingers crossed for a second season!

de Badgasten'!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

NEW NEW Badgasten greenscreen video! NEW NEW

YES YES, We're working very hard on the last episode right now, but this one aired last night, and could very well be our favorite of the series.
Klaas van der Eerden and Korneel Evers are going through various filmstyles on the green screen, the overal theme is Jurassic park this time!
loads of fun and dino in this one!
made for Bnn's impro-comedyshow 'de Badgasten'!

Friday, October 02, 2009

BNN's Badgasten 2nd Video

Here is the second video we made for BNN's improvisation comedy show 'de Badgasten'.
For the complete episode go to www.badgasten.bnn.nl

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Badgasten video

Here's the video we were talking about in our last post.
First one of the serie this one aired last friday!

Friday, September 11, 2009


We are working hard for de Badgasten! a new comedyshow for BNN.
It's an improvisation comedy show and very funny!(we like funny) There are various different parts in the show, and in one sketch the comedians will improvise in front of a greenscreen. We are one of the parties that are hired to make animations around the comedians. Tonight the first episode will be on tv nederland 3 at 21:20 and our animations are in the first episode. it will be on tv every friday Ned 3.
for more info or funny clips : http://www.badgasten.bnn.nl

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tekenclub online!!!

Today is a historical day! Tekenclub is now online. The website was created and designed by Jelle Gijsberts and wants to show children the fun of drawing. We animated his characters and that was a lot of fun.


Hey!?! You're still here?? Go go go!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

We like funny blue creatures!

today we've got visited by this blue creature!
he was pretty funny and we decided to keep him in the studio for a while!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Interview on George and Paul

AV&entertainment put an article in their magazine on George and Paul. They interviewed Thomas Hietbrink from Pedri Animation, the producer. There are some nice 'making-of' pictures in the article of Elmer Kaan animating the pilot.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


We love robots! especially if they are designed by Jelle Gijsberts
we animated these and another 1000 characters for his personal project called 'Tekenclub', which is a website for children with drawinglessons on it, funded by the Fiep Westendorp foundation.
jelle asked us to all the animation for this website, its going to be a great website and will be online soon at www.tekenclub.nl

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

color test

Mix and Match!
With the extremly nice backgrounds made by JellePelle we had to add shading on our very flat designed characters to make it work together,
also we want to adjust the characters color to the different lightning of each bg.
to see if this all would work we made a little test of the bg and the character together.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hooray!!! 2 years!!!

Waahoo!! Hooray for everybody. Ka-Ching Cartoons celebrates its 2 year existance. Get the champagne, get the caviar. It has been a great two years, let's keep it up for another 200!!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Kakkerlak location designs

Yes, yes, I know that these are the exact same pictures as on Jelle's blog. But that's simply because he's the art director of our half hour animated opera Kakkerlak. The pictures look great don't they? We sure are happy. Today we finished up our application for productionfunding. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a little making of ´George and Paul´

Together With Pedri Animation we made a pilot for George and Paul,
Before Pedri started to make the puppets and the animation we designed the characters, made turnarounds and modelsheets.

we also made some more detailed instructions for the building of the puppets

With all this Peter Mansfelt made the first prototypes, they were already awesome!
but for the actual animation we needed better versions,
bigger and with good ball and socket joints.
These were created by John Craney.
Elmer Kaan did an awesome job animating the Pilot.
Of course he used a lot of rigs and wires, this was al cleaned up and color corrected by Cinemeta Digital, below you can see some before and after sequences.

If you didn't see the pilot yet or if you want to watch the storyboards for the series,
go and visit:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Phew! We've been back from Hollywood three weeks now. What a great time we had there! Learned a lot about the Hollywood filmmaking system and made some great friends and contacts! We even met the president. (We really recommend everybody who goes to America to meet up with the president at least once. He's a cool guy.) seriously we were invited to the Jay Leno show where Obama came that day!
The trip was organised by NBC Universal. The trip was the prize we won with our 3d short film the 3D-Machine. The other guys on the photos are the filmmasters from the other countries. Martijn Smits from Holland. Markus F. Adrian from germany and Dniel Guerrero from Spain.

they've made a sign on the hills, so it looks exactly like the map
we were invited to the premiere and party of 'Fast and Furious' YeaH!!!!

We were Universal studios guests for two weeks, although they kept us pretty busy, we did visited our friends at Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Cold Hard Flash, Disney Playhouse, Disney Channel, Disney XD and Walt Disney Feature Animation! busy busy busy

Monday, March 02, 2009

George and Paul

Hooraah, we are very proud that we can show you the concept pilot of 'George and Paul', the animated series in stop motion that we have been working on for a while now. Together with Pedri Animation we have developed this concept and made this pilot episode. Hopefully this is the start of something great. You can find a lot of information and two complete animatics on the website www.georgeandpaul.com


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kakkerlak animation test

Here is a first animation test for our upcoming half hour animated opera.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Character designs

Here are some character designs for projects that didn't (yet) get made. Enjoy!
Artwork by Ka-Ching Cartoons and Jelle Pelle